Current Exhibit

Gift Shop

Bolton Hall Museum

10110 Commerce Avenue in Tujunga

(corner of Commerce Avenue and Valmont Street)

Street Parking

Museum Hours: 

Saturday and Sunday Afternoons from 1 to 4 PM



Everyone is Welcome  —  Free Admission   

Suggested donation: $5 per person

We are an all volunteer organization and rely on donations to maintain the museum.  Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated.

Future Exhibits (subject to change)


Influential Women of Sunland-Tujunga

Many strong, courageous and interesting women have lived here. 

Learn about them and the legacies they have left behind.


Healthful Living

Our community has always been known for it’s clean air and healthful environment.  At one time as many as 30 sanitariums existed in Sunland-Tujunga to treat people with respiratory and other health ailments.  Many families moved to this area because of respiratory problems.  Learn their stories of health and, sadly, of death.


Art and Artists of Sunland-Tujunga

Painters, sculptors, poets, musicians — a whole lot of really talented people live in our community.  Learn about them, why they chose to live here and see

the amazing art they create.

Travel down any street in Tujunga and you’re sure to encounter hand-crafted Arroyo stone homes, foundations, chimneys, retaining walls, and other architectural remnants from the early 20th century.


Touchstones - Our Rocky Beginnings, explores the important role local Arroyo Stone played in our community's early development, and how this rare sub-theme of Arts and Crafts architecture became THE character-defining feature of early 20th century Tujunga.


The exhibit contains many rare images from our archives chronicling the use of river rock in everything from houses to hospitals, check-dams to churches. Learn what steps Little Landers Historical Society is taking to protect and preserve these important links to our pioneer past, and how you can help.



Touchstones highlights the arrival of the original Little Lands colonists - many who were lured by the promise of "a little land and a living" as well as the free building materials to be found on the land they would purchase. Nature builder George Harris and other key players will be explored. In addition, the tour will outline the efforts being made by Little Landers Historical Society to protect this rare and unique vernacular architecture and the important role the public can play in its preservation.


Join Touchstones exhibit curator Marsha Perloff on the

first Saturday of each month for a guided tour of the exhibit.

Tour will begin at 2 PM.  No reservation is required.


Memorialize your Bolton Hall Museum experience and purchase a

Touchstones t-shirt from our gift shop.  Our gift shop is open Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 PM or purchase from our on-line store.