Text Box: Board Positions

Seven LLHS Board Positions constituting the Executive Committee of the organization are subject to election by the Little Landers each year.  Additional Board positions are filled by Executive Board appointment and are open to nominations as well.  Nominees for all Board positions must be members in good standing and at least 18 years of age.  Any qualified member may nominate themself or another qualified member for any of the positions listed below.


Nominees and voting instructions will be reported in the December issue of  the LLHS Cornerstone newsletter.  All votes are to be submitted on or before December 16, 2024.


Elected Officer/Executive Committee Positions & General Responsibilities


President -

The President represents LLHS in all matters relating to the business, running and operations of the Society and is the public face of the Society in all matters. The President presides over regular Board meetings, Executive Board Meetings, and the Annual General Meeting; setting and posting the agenda items.  The President also presides over the work of committees and sub-committees, if and when they require and/or ask for assistance.


1st Vice President/Membership Chair -

Promotes membership in the Society to individuals, businesses and other community organizations; maintains and updates a listing of members and contact information; processes new and renewal memberships. Appoints a membership committee as needed. The 1st Vice President, in the absence of the President, performs the duties of the President.


2nd Vice President/Ways & Means Chair -

Creates and supervises fund raising activities and events; coordinates hall rentals and oversees rental events to assure compliance with Bolton Hall Museum rules for protection of the museum and museum property; oversees the operation of the museum gift shop. Appoints a fund-raising committee as needed.


3rd Vice President/Program Chair -

Selects topics and arranges speakers and presentations for ten monthly public programs at Bolton Hall Museum; assists with occasional additional LLHS programs; creates and produces promotional materials for program events; arranges for the use of Bolton Hall Museum AV equipment and furniture and puts needed items in place prior to each program.  Appoints a program committee as needed.


Treasurer -

Is responsible for the funds of the Society; keeps a record of all financial transactions and presents a financial report at each regular Board of Directors meeting; issues and co-signs checks; gives receipts for all moneys received by the Society; prepares, or causes to be prepared all tax returns and other corporate filings required by the various Federal and State authorities; submits the year’s financial records to the person(s) appointed by the Board of Directors to prepare the yearly financial review; is a member of the Finance and Budget Committee.


Recording Secretary -

Records the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and all meetings of the membership of the Society where items are presented for membership consideration, vote or consensus;  distributes a copy of the current minutes to each Board member prior to the next regular Board meeting; maintains a file of all minutes in the Museum office; fulfills the duties of the Corresponding Secretary in their absence.


Corresponding Secretary -

Conducts the general correspondence of the Society as requested by the President or the Board of Directors; maintains copies of all correspondence in the museum office; fulfills the duties of the Recording Secretary in their absence.


Appointed Board Member Positions & General Responsibilities


Museum Director -

Is in charge of the daily operation of the Museum; chairs and conducts regular meetings of the museum committee; with the museum committee, sets the museum content through acquisition/acceptance procedures for donations, loans or purchases and maintains records of such acquisitions, including the historical significance of the acquired object; with the museum committee, determines a rotation pattern for the museum display cases and produces two or more special temporary exhibits per year; receives all requests for research and directs each request to the appropriate committee member for research or assistance.


Librarian -

Acquires, catalogs and maintains the library collection of books, periodicals, historical society bulletins, and library copies of video tapes, audio cassettes, microfilm and written oral histories; provides reference services to library patrons, the media and to written requests; sets the library content through the acquisition/acceptance procedure for donations or purchases and maintains records of such acquisitions; serves on the museum committee.


Artifact and Document Archivist -

Acquires, maintains and preserves suitable historical source material, which may include newspaper clippings, oral histories, maps, documents and other related materials.  Serves on the museum committee.


Photo Archivist -

Acquires, maintains and preserves suitable historical photographic materials and video or motion picture recordings. Serves on the museum committee.


Director of Docents -

Recruits, trains and schedules volunteers to act as docents for Bolton Hall Museum; serves the museum committee; schedules periodic docent award and recognition events.      


Historian -

Compiles a history of the Society and Bolton Hall Museum for the current year, including annual reports from officers and directors, listings of officers/directors, docents and committee members, copies of promotional materials for Society programs and ways/means projects, list of new members, deaths, and other pertinent information.


Publicity and Outreach Director -

Promotes Society events and programs; maintains press and media contacts; produces and distributes the Society newsletter; maintains the Society Website; provides Society event information to community calendars and communications outlets.


Parliamentarian -

Advises the Board and committees of procedure and parliamentary law regarding meeting conduct; reviews the Society Bylaws and Standing Rules annually and establishes and chairs a bylaws committee as needed.


In addition to the elected and appointed positions listed above, there are plenty of ways to participate in LLHS. Other volunteer opportunities include museum docent, committee member for ongoing projects or special events, administrative, archival or library assistants, facilities maintenance, and more.


Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to submit nominee names for Board positions or any other ways to volunteer.  Contact us:


E-mail — LLHS@BoltonHall.org

Phone — 818-352-3420

Regular mail — P.O. Box 203, Tujunga, CA 91043.